doctors and nurses looking at camera

Get Involved

Climate solutions could rapidly improve public health and equity. As a physician, you have a trusted voice. Learn how you and your hospital or office can play a role in supporting the health of people and planet.


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AAO Young Ophthalmologists Green Grants

The American Academy of Ophthalmology is offering $1,000 grants to five Young Ophthalmologist Academy members to support sustainability in ophthalmology. Eligible Young Ophthalmologists are those in residency, fellowship, or within their first five years of practice. The AAO seeks research proposals that enhance ophthalmic practice, reduce waste and costs, and are feasible and scalable. Proposals are due by January 2, 2025, with winners announced by January 31, 2025.

Join Our Efforts

Health Professionals Can Power a More Sustainable Profession!

There are lots of ways you can get involved, such as implementing practices learned through our resources or by sharing our website with your peers. If you have any questions or would like to speak with us, take a few moments and let us know your interest. 

We welcome you to work with us in this exciting new venture of making our profession sustainable, decreasing costs, and improving public health. We would love to hear from you!


Interest Form


Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health

Founded in 2017, this consortium of more than 35 major American medical societies advocates for mitigating the adverse impact of climate change on public health. In terms of the health impact of climate change, the MSCCH has information for health professionals and for patients. MSCCH's major role is to educate the public and policymakers about the harmful health impact of the climate crisis and to represent healthcare professionals in advocating for reducing carbon emissions. In 2020, ASCRS and AAO became the 29th and 30th societies to join.



Physicians for Social Responsibility

PSR educates health professionals about the health consequences of climate change and mobilizes them to respond. Through our national office in Washington, DC and our network of chapters across the country, we:

  • Provide information on climate-related health threats.
  • Offer resources on the harms to health from coal-fired power plants, coal, ash, and fracked gas (methane).
  • Promote the health-supportive value of clean, renewable energy, and energy efficiency.
  • Train and prepare health professionals to speak out – writing letters to the editor and op-eds, providing testimony, and educating their elected officials.
  • Engage health professionals in raising the “health voice” on climate- and health-related policies.

Climate Health Now

Climate Health Now is a group of doctors and health professionals in California who recognize climate change as the public health and equity emergency of our lifetimes. We mobilize the trusted voice of health professionals to advocate for a rapid, just transition off harmful fossil fuels toward a healthy, equitable society sustained by renewable energy.


Natural Resources Defense Council

NRDC works to safeguard the earth—its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends. We combine the power of more than three million members and online activists with the expertise of some 700 scientists, lawyers, and policy advocates across the globe to ensure the rights of all people to the air, the water, and the wild.